<SLY> WereWolf Salazar spazzes, "I'd like to know what are the extents of Kitsune magic, seems a bit.. OP to me o:"
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "No more so than my abilities, Sal..."
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar spazzes, "What do you mean Zaida?"
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "Then again, my specialty has never been kitsune magic"
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "Ari didn't tell you, did he?"
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar spazzes, "I don't think he did."
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "(public profile... I've sent you the info before, I seem to recall... I'll send you the drawbacks to my IC abilities in a sec.)"
<RAV> Firstyeargirl KikiyonaMrisune blinks, You ish a foxy as well? Miss Zaida?
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "Not quite, little one. ~_^ Still in the category of "not human" but defo not foxy..."
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "I'm just a friend of Jem, here. ;)"
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "Not to mention, but friends of Silver and Sal, as well."
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "...and one-time spouse of Silver's other son... we won't get into that."
(Sal mentions he has to go soon)
<SLY> VampireCalanon JemHayden spazzes, "aww! That means Creven is safe! YAY!"
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar spazzes, "Creven is never safe."
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar huggles Zaida back.
<SLY> VampireCalanon JemHayden scowls.
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "Well, the situations he does place himself in already put him in danger... :("
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar will make sure to use that info to aid his hunt down of Creven.
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "Perhaps this situation can be resolved..."
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "...and not with a death"
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar spazzes, "But only the dead can know peace from this rustling."
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "Still, if this rabble is to come together to take on the Ministry, the in-fighting is only going to serve to weaken morale and not to mention, the ranks..."
<RAV> Firstyeargirl KikiyonaMrisune agrees with the Zaida.
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "I don't say this to upset either side, as you both are very dear to me (more than you may realize)..."
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar spazzes, "Creven isn't in the ranks though."
<SLY> VampireCalanon JemHayden spazzes, "that doesnt matter, He is too busy with work to join us."
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar spazzes, "Well I hope he's not too busy to be slayed by me."
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "Your wife wouldn't look kindly on the slaying of her brother..."
<SLY> Sweet Chef Hikago spazzes, "If you think about it it can still upset the ranks because of Jem >.>"
<SLY> VampireCalanon JemHayden rolls her eyes at the brother in law. and agrees with Zaidy.
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar spazzes, "Maybe not, but she will understand."
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "I wouldn't be so sure... If I didn't worry or care, I'd keep silent."
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar smirks, "We'll just have to see what happens."
<SLY> Sweet Chef Hikago pokes Jem "What's he got against Creven?"
<RAV> Firstyeargirl KikiyonaMrisune believes that Zaida is part Kitsune...she is wiser than she appears ^_^
<SLY> VampireCalanon JemHayden shrugs at Hikago "Just cos he knows it winds me up, I guess/"
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "I wouldn't advise you to go forward with this plan, my friend. Hold, at the very least until you speak with Lea. I would hate for you to lose your life or your spouse. <3"
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar is a winder upper.
<SLY> VampireCalanon JemHayden mutters "He carries on like this it will be his life."
<SLY> Sweet Chef Hikago snickers and thinks Zaida gives great advice
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar laughs, "I'd like to see you making attempt on my life. You may have faced fearsome enemies in the past, but you've never faced a warrior as me." he taunts.
<SLY> VampireCalanon JemHayden smirks slightly "You have to sleep sometime."
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "One doesn't live as long as I have without gaining a pearl or two of wisdom... ^^"
<RAV> Firstyeargirl KikiyonaMrisune needs to be trained by the Jem's family >_> And therefore needs them alive Dear Alpha dog.
<SLY> VampireCalanon JemHayden spazzes, "^"
<HUF> Zaida looks at her two friends and sighs... she loves them both dearly and would hate to lose either of them...
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar laughs again, stepping infront of her. "So you'd attack me in my sleep, like a coward. Something expected from a blood sucker. I find it funny that you believe you can access my castle too-
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar - which is where I sleep."
<SLY> VampireCalanon JemHayden chuckles "Well, who said it would be ME that would do anything. All I said was you had to sleep sometimes."
<HUF> Zaida is thankful she didn't put the Jem and Sal statues near one another in her castle... :S
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar shakes his head. "So it wouldn't even be you, seems like I underestimated your cowardness then. I welcome you, or any of your friends to make attempt, just remember that I don't need you or-
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "If you two need neutral ground to resolve this, you're both welcome at my place..."
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar - anyone to be asleep, in order to claim their lives."
<SLY> Sweet Chef Hikago thinks Salazar started this and is just being rediculous so he pads off to his room
<SLY> VampireCalanon JemHayden agrees with Hikago and wanders out to the kitchen and pokes Buggy an email.
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar smirks, "That's what I thought."
<SLY> Sweet Chef Hikago thinks only real cowards instigate fights with women for kicks >.>
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "Sal, don't hurt her, please. It'd be hard to forgive you for that... or for dying... so please don't do either... mmkay?"
<HUF> Zaida looks away, keeping her hands clenched at her sides... doing a fairly poor job of hiding her feelings...
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar believes Hikago isn't the one to be speaking about cowards, as he left the room instead of ACTUALLY saying something to him.
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar tilts his head at Zaida. "I'll consider it, but can't promise anything."
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "It's better than an outright refusal... so thank you."
<SLY> Sweet Chef Hikago comes back and flips Sal off "It's rude to come to SILVER'S castle and talk about killing the family of HER friends ya #@%king $!#@" goes back to his room to avoid a physical fight
<HUF> Zaida whispers under her breath, Dammit, Silver, why did it have to be your sons...? Zaida turns around to hide her face from Sal.
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar laughs at the chef. "You don't even have the strenght to flip me off, now go back to your room."
<SLY> Sweet Chef Hikago DID flip Sal off so he does have the strength and wonders what Silver would say about her son acting better then everyone else
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar spazzes, "Hikago, that's god modding, you could attempt to flip me off, but not just state that you did flip me off, and if you expect me to take your acts seriously don't do something -"
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar spazzes, "- and then hide away in the same post)"
<SLY> Sweet Chef Hikago spazzes, "It's not god modding if I flip you off as that is raising the middle finger >.>))"
<SLY> VampireCalanon JemHayden spazzes, "^"
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar spazzes, "Ohh, I thought you meant flipping me off as in pushing me or something, all good then)"
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar suddenly realises that none of the people present
<SLY> Sweet Chef Hikago spazzes, "and I don't care if you take me seriously or not as it's a sign of respect to Silver to avoid physical violence))"
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "No, he told you you were number one... as my hubby says. XD)"
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar - were even werewolfs and what he founded with Silver was... a werewolf pack. Why would he risk his life for a group of blood suckers and furries? He would not. "Zaida, unfortunately you-
<SLY> Sweet Chef Hikago is a werewolf >.>
<RAV> Firstyeargirl KikiyonaMrisune ish a foxy Kitsune xD)
<HUF> Zaida may be the only one here not lycanthrope or vampire...
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar - stand my only friend here. I have no interest to remain among these people. Perhaps it is time I follow my own path, seing as things have changed a lot around here."
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "I am now at a loss as to what to say... I know I don't want to lose you, and to be honest, there's nothing that I gain by being here, either..."
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "I simply owe a debt to Silver, and I am here to see it repaid..."
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "but I've read a lot more into Jem's story, and have more than a mild interest in her and Creven's story. ^^)"
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar pats Zaida's back lightly. "You won't lose me, you're not part of the pack so my decision to abandon it won't affect our friendship."
<HUF> Zaida gives a sigh of relief, "I'm glad... I don't think I could handle another loss... I didn't exactly handle the first one well..."
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "but it does appear that there's a bit of a furry coalition going on here..."
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar spazzes, "It wasn't like this when I started the pack)"
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "I didn't think so...)"
<SLY> Sweet Chef Hikago spazzes, "There are more were's then furries just not here at the moment >.> and as I said I'm a werewolf not a furry so the only furry is Coco at the moment...))"
<SLY> VampireCalanon JemHayden just goes, as being here is causing far too many arguments.
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar takes a deep breath, knowing which lose she spoke of and sharing the pain. "Our friendship goes beyong the results of a simple argument. Things between us won't change."
<SLY> Sweet Chef Hikago leaves as well since he clearly doesn't count as a werewolf to the high and mighty lord !#@k$!#@ Salazar
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar spazzes, "No, you don't)"
<SLY> Sweet Chef Hikago spazzes, "and why the %$!k not? I was turned by Ferva around the same time Silver was so therefor she doesn't either))"
<SLY> Sweet Chef Hikago spazzes, "nor does anyone that she turned))"
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "Well, I say furry coalition as in the version from the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series. All sorts of lycans come together...)"
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar spazzes, "See, Sal doesn't think you're not a werewolf in your genes, but doesn't think you're a werewolf at heart. Since he's never seen you fight/act like a true werewolf. He has only-"
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar spazzes, "- seen you cook, and act as a pet would. Nothing personal, that's just how the character is)"
<SLY> Sweet Chef Hikago spazzes, "so I have to be a blood thirsty monster instead of trying to take care of people? that's just !#@ked up nothing personal but it is and now I'm logging off and will return when"
<SLY> Sweet Chef Hikago spazzes, "silver does))"
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar spazzes, "Alrighty then)"
<SLY> VampireCalanon JemHayden spazzes, "bye Hikago ...)"
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "There was a time where I'd hoped we'd go beyond friendship... then Ari entered the picture... and things turned out the way they did..."
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "I gave him up because I didn't want him or any of you to get hurt..."
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar spazzes, "Is Arius character considered dead since he's innactive? I normally refer to him as if he left the country and hasn't been around in years)"
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "I think he's left the country... I said I sent him away because I didn't want him to be killed...)"
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar spazzes, "Ohh ok)"
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar nods at Zaida, a feeling of nostalgia invading him as he remembers his brother. "I remember those days as if it was yesterday... it was hard for me to give him up as well, but all we can do -
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar - now is hope he's safe." he says, not liking the fact that he wasn't able to bring him back.
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "I can't sense him anymore... I tried to block him out. He'd found new happiness with someone else... so I stepped out of the picture completely..."
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "I had wondered what would have happened if I'd never met your brother... if you'll recall, I'd met you first."
<HUF> Zaida spazzes, "Even then, I didn't dare voice those thoughts... don't know why I am now..."
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar chuckles as he remembers clearly. "I have wondered the same thing as well, had the events taken place differently. It seems like a life time ago when he was around." he says wishing Arius -
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar - hadn't left. Maybe if he was still around that would bring more stability to the pack.
<HUF> Zaida nods, "I guess we shouldn’t worry about things that might have been... it wouldn't do for Lea to hear this... I don't want to cause trouble for you two..."
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar smiles and slowly to Zaida, completely understanding. "She has never been the jelaous type, but yes. There's a chance it would cause problems." he adds
<SLY> VampireCalanon JemHayden shakes her head in the kitchen.
<HUF> Zaida hears the movement and turns toward the sound, "Jem... hey, didn't realize you were still in the kitchen...
<HUF> Zaida has pretty good hearing. ~_^)
<HUF> Zaida turns back toward Sal, "I guess I'd better get going... I'll be around my castle. I think you have a key..." Zaida smiles and wanders out of the door, heading back to OSC.
<SLY> VampireCalanon JemHayden lifts her head up "See ya Zaid."
<SLY> WereWolf Salazar smiles back, waving to Zaida. "Expect a visit from me soon. Seeing as I will be relieved with responsabilities regarding the pack, I will have more free time in the future."
<HUF> Zaida nods and closes the door behind her.
It should be mentioned:
ReplyDeleteIn Character - Jem and Sal are in-laws... (through his wife Lea, the sister of Jem's husband, Creven.)
Out of Character - Jem is Sal's daughter...
(not my words, theirs...)