Friday, March 8, 2013

3/4/13 - A Visit that Z Needed to Make...

 <HUF> Zaida wanders in from the cold, amazed she still had a key to this place after all this time... She ran her hand s over the stonework of the walls - the words of past conversations echoing back at her --
  <HUF> Zaida --mocking her, and what used to be. Zaida sighed, "It's been so long since I've seen you... I've lost track of the days." The reformed thief hadn't had much excuse to stop in much these days --
  <HUF> Zaida --After all, they had split up. Amicably enough, sure... trying to get him to forget her and move on with his life. He had, for a while... but it didn't last long, so Zaida had to go a bit futher--
  <HUF> Zaida --and used some pretty drastic tactics to make him leave, for his own safety. She hoped that one day, Arius would forgive her and the words she said.
  <HUF> Zaida took a moment to gaze at the stained glass windows - some portraying things from his past, things that inspired him.
  <HUF> Zaida could tell Ari's love and devotion for Silver and Salazar, his family, with the windows dedicated to them... Zaida smiled, thankful she could still see, hear, and be near those two - even if they--
  <HUF> Zaida --were at odds with one another at the moment. Zaida continued to walk through the castle corridors, turning down paths she never had before - stopping suddenly. This was his wing of the castle...
  <HUF> Zaida ...Ari's room was down this way. She'd never been there before, and it didn't feel right to peek in while he was away... she turned to leave, to go back the way she came, until another window --
  <HUF> Zaida --caught her eye... It was her, in tiny shards of glass - the top half depicting her as she was then, the bottom half depicting her in her natural form. He remembered her... in a way she hadn't--
  <HUF> Zaida --known before. She began to run... She had to get out of this part of the castle... back to the safe parts, where her emotions couldn't get the better of her.
  <HUF> Zaida sat down at the table, pulling her bag onto its surface and pulling out its contents. She had wanted to visit, intending to make it an extended visit... wondering if she would be alone the entire --
  <HUF> Zaida --time.
  <HUF> Zaida looks around from her chair at the table, listening to the deafening silence of the place...
  <HUF> Zaida sighs, thinking [That's louder than what it should be...]
  <SLY> GisellesSnowVixen SilverRose Silver heads into one of her son's homes. Arius had been gone for many moons. She occassionally visited the castle, to keep it clean. She didn't expect to find someone else there. Whose there? -
  <SLY> GisellesSnowVixen SilverRose can sense a magical aura.)
  <HUF> Zaida 's ears perked up at the sound, "In here..." Z started setting out more of the food she had brought...
  <SLY> GisellesSnowVixen SilverRose smiles and sighs in relief. Ah it is you.
  <HUF> Zaida smiles, "Yep, just little ol' me..."
  <HUF> Zaida gestures to the spread on the table, "Care to join me? There's plenty..." Cheese, bread, apples, jerky, nuts, and other various sundries had been placed on the table.
  <HUF> Zaida pulled a canteen of water out of her pack and two wooden tumblers from her pack, as well - pouring herself a glass.
  <HUF> Zaida mentions, "If you'd like, I've got something a bit more... medicinal, shall we say."
  <SLY> GisellesSnowVixen SilverRose smiles.It all looks great Zaida. She grabs a bit of cheese and jerky.
  <HUF> Zaida bravely declares, "So, what brings you by, today?"
  <SLY> GisellesSnowVixen SilverRose sighs. Every once in awhile I come here, to keep the place clean. It's been so long since I"ve seen Arius.
  <HUF> Zaida chuckles, "You and me, both... Sometimes, I can still hear his voice, if I just stand here..."
  <HUF> Zaida says, "There are times when that makes me smile... other times like today, not so much..."
  <SLY> GisellesSnowVixen SilverRose pulls Zaida in for a hug. I know the feeling. But given the current state of affairs. It is likely better he isn't here to see all this strife.
  <HUF> Zaida lets herself be held, and nods, "I agree... I don't think he'd enjoy the in-fighting... or the situation with Sal. It's been so long to whether I'm not sure if he'd side with Sal or try to fight
  <HUF> Zaida bravely declares, "--him to make him stay..."
  <SLY> GisellesSnowVixen SilverRose nods. And that is just the beginning. I understand Salazar leaving the pack. It hurts me. But I can understand it...
  <HUF> Zaida bravely declares, "...still doesn't make things hurt any less...."
  <SLY> GisellesSnowVixen SilverRose bravely declares, "Yes, do me a favor. Watch Hikago closely. That woman's betrayal combined with Ferva's fragile state and Salazar's leaving, has taken a toll on him."
  <SLY> GisellesSnowVixen SilverRose bravely declares, "Don't be obvious about it of course."
  <HUF> Zaida raises an eyebrow at Silver's words, "You're still calling her a woman... that's kind of an insult to women everywhere. If anyone deserves to be called a thing... she earned it."
  <HUF> Zaida bravely declares, "Of course I'll look after Hika-chan... subterfuge was one of my specialties, but if I do, it'll be to get to know him on a personal level. He's interesting, and I want to
  <HUF> Zaida bravely declares, "get to know him better... I hate the kid's had a run of bad luck lately, though..."
  <SLY> GisellesSnowVixen SilverRose bravely declares, "Twas my fault. I trusted her and even arranged the match. But they'll toss her out like garbage sooner or later anyway. If they don't, she'll backstab them as well. -"
  <SLY> GisellesSnowVixen SilverRose bravely declares, "she apparently has nothing better to do. I'd almost pity her."
  <HUF> Zaida bravely declares, "It's too good for one such as her..."
  <HUF> Zaida bravely declares, "I know we are to forgive those who wrong us, but no where in that book does it say that one must forget... :)"
  <SLY> GisellesSnowVixen SilverRose bravely declares, "Oh I'll never forget. That much is for certain. I won't forgive either. But I won't allow her to have that kind of control over me."
  <HUF> Zaida bravely declares, "Take it from one who knows, anger, hatred, and bitterness like that is a millstone around one's neck. In your own time, do forgive her - not because she deserves it, but--
  <HUF> Zaida bravely declares, "--because it'll free your spirit and will bind hers to her own demise just that much more."
  <SLY> GisellesSnowVixen SilverRose bravely declares, "I understand what you are saying. But right now, I just can't do it. You are very wise my friend. But the wound is still too fresh."
  <HUF> Zaida bravely declares, "That's why I say 'in your own time...' because it won't happen overnight, and no one expects such. :)"
  <HUF> Zaida begins to clean the table, "So, what are your plans? Did you ever get to discuss your concerns with your Moon Goddess?"
  <SLY> GisellesSnowVixen SilverRose bravely declares, "I know. Tis still difficult. But what a nice feast you prepared."
  <HUF> Zaida bravely declares, "I knew I would be out today, didn't feel like stopping for food, so I brought stuff along that wouldn't spoil. I hadn't fully intended to stop here, but it was a trip --"
  <HUF> Zaida bravely declares, "--that I'd been needing to make... I haven't been here since he left, well - not any longer than it took to check the coffers, to keep them filled for him."
  <HUF> Zaida says, "I'm glad that I wound up not being the only one here... " Zaida stands, and points at the stained glass window representing Silver, "At least you know beyond a doubt how Ari regards you.”
   <SLY> GisellesSnowVixen SilverRose bravely declares, "Yes, Arius is a good man. ^_^"
  <HUF> Zaida bravely declares, "That he is... and Salazar is, too... like I said, I wouldn't give up on him just yet."
  <SLY> GisellesSnowVixen SilverRose bravely declares, "I'm not giving up on him. I just don't think he'll rejoin the pack and even if he expressed a desire to do so, I don't think the others would take it lightly."
  <HUF> Zaida bravely declares, "He'll have to prove himself, his words, and his intentions just as any other member would. If he wants to reclaim his status as the alpha, he'll have to fight for it --"
  <HUF> Zaida bravely declares, "--earn it back. Sal's just frustrated, or at least that's what I'm reading from him... which is understandable."
  <HUF> Zaida bravely declares, "I hope he and I can discuss that more... he and I have plans to meet, we just keep missing each other."
  <HUF> Zaida bravely declares, "I probably shouldn't go, though... it would probably look suspicious and as I've told him, I wouldn't want to cause any trouble for he and Lea."
  <HUF> Zaida bravely declares, "'d really look suspicious after what I'd said at your castle."
  <SLY> GisellesSnowVixen SilverRose bravely declares, "He seems to be head over heels for Lea, Zaida. Lea is great and I don't mean to cause you pain. But I"m sure ...well I'm not saying anything you haven't thought of."
  <HUF> Zaida bravely declares, "I'm glad... I really didn't want to mess up anything for him. ..and no worries, no pain caused. I just didn't want to jeopardize anything for anyone."
  <HUF> Zaida bravely declares, "I'm glad he's found someone who seems a bit more permanent than that string of girls a while back... At one time, I had jokingly asked him when it would be my turn."
  <HUF> Zaida giggles, sounding girlier than she ever had around her friend.
  <SLY> GisellesSnowVixen SilverRose bravely declares, ">.> Oh yes, he was earning himself quite the reputation."
  <HUF> Zaida bravely declares, "At the time, I kicked myself for saying it..."
  <SLY> GisellesSnowVixen SilverRose hugs Zaida. You are a good friend. And should circumstances ever allow it, you'll make someone a great hl wife.
  <HUF> Zaida shakes her head, "Not me... I think Erik was right when he said I'd never be free..." Her face turns from its sad smile to an angry scowl, "I kicked his body for saying it..."
  <SLY> GisellesSnowVixen SilverRose bravely declares, "I dont' know who Erik is. But you are free Zaida."
  <HUF> Zaida replies, "No, really looking at it... he was right... Erik was my second-in-command... He took over when I left. He's dead now... they're all dead. I thought it would make me free... but it didn'
  <HUF> Zaida looks around, the anger melting away into her usual smiling face, "I really shouldn't be burdening you with that. You've got enough on your plate."
  <HUF> Zaida gathers her bag and slips it over her shoulders, "I should probably get going. I'm burning daylight and there's still a few things I should get done before dark."
  <SLY> GisellesSnowVixen SilverRose bravely declares, "I am always willing to listen, if you want to talk Zaida. You have been a faithful shoulder for me during these horrible times."
  <HUF> Zaida bravely declares, "I definitely will remember that, thanks. I know you've got enough to keep you busy right now, though... You don't need another one to babysit. :)"
  <SLY> GisellesSnowVixen SilverRose bravely declares, "You definitely wouldn't be a babysit case. You are more mature then I am."
  <HUF> Zaida bravely declares, "Not bad for 900+, eh?"
  <HUF> Zaida bravely declares, "...took a lot of hard knocks to get that maturity, some I wouldn't wish on anyone."
  <SLY> GisellesSnowVixen SilverRose bravely declares, "I understand."
  <HUF> Zaida straightens up and smiles, "I'd best get going. See you around, mmkay?"

1 comment:

  1. This one physically took place in the Stormborn Stronghold (aka Ari's castle) ^^ So the location was correct and wasn't just in my castle pretending to be his... XD
